Case Studies

Streamlining Atlassian Cloud Migration by Solving Resource Challenges in Software and Communications Solutions

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Cloud Migration

In the dynamic realm of Software and Communications Solutions, a prominent platform specializing in programmable communication tools aimed to transition from Atlassian Data Center projects to the Atlassian Cloud platform. The objective was to enhance operational efficiency, scalability, and cost-effectiveness through a comprehensive overhaul of their Atlassian environment. This case study details the challenges faced, the strategic solutions implemented, and the impactful results achieved.

Problem Statement:

The organization encountered a substantial challenge in executing the migration project due to its large scale. Insufficient resources, particularly a shortage of skilled personnel, impeded the efficient execution of the transition. Faced with these resource constraints and the imperative to address project delays, the organization enlisted Hyqoo as a contingency plan. The focus was on ensuring a smooth and disruption-free transition while optimizing the utilization of the new Atlassian Cloud services.


  • Inadequate resources and skilled personnel posed obstacles to the migration project.
  • Timely resolution of delays was crucial to meet objectives and prevent operational disruptions.
  • Contingency planning necessitated a comprehensive approach, covering aspects from planning to technical analysis, requiring diverse skills.


To surmount these challenges, a novel team-building approach was adopted. Hyqoo, employing a hands-off strategy, was utilized to construct a dedicated team through their go-to-work strategy. Key steps and considerations included:

  • Identification of requisite skills and expertise, encompassing cloud platform knowledge, Atlassian administration skills, system analysis, and project management capabilities.
  • Customized talent curation to ensure the team was cross-functional, addressing all facets of the migration.


In under a week, Hyqoo strategically assembled a 13-member global team, amalgamating expertise from the USA, Colombia, and India. This dynamic team comprised 6 Business System Analysts, 3 Application Engineers, 3 Atlassian Administrators, and 1 Project Communication and Technical Document Specialist. Their collective skills and commitment positioned the project for a seamless and successful migration, effectively realigning it on course.

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