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Top 7 Qualities of Remote Developers

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Qualities of Remote Developers

The world is moving to remote work. While the pandemic accelerated adoption rates, remote work has actually been on the rise for over two decades. Whether you prefer to work in the office or at home, the truth has become clear: remote work is here to stay. Even the most traditional companies are implementing “hybrid work cultures” that accommodate both digital and physical environments.

As such, it’s incredibly important to learn the rules of engagement in virtual work environments. It’s important to note that the adoption of remote work is a part of a greater shift in corporate cultural values. Therefore, it is instrumental for every developer to learn what drives success in remote work cultures.

The top 7 qualities of remote developers are:

1. Willingness to learn

A willingness to learn is an excellent trait for almost any candidate. Each position has unique challenges that create a need for people who can adapt to changing circumstances and still be effective in their roles. 

Every remote developer who is seriously considered should always be expanding their skills in areas both near and far.

2. Familiarity with remote work tools

Being familiar with remote tools like Slack, Trello, and Zoom makes developers immediately more attractive as it signals an ability to adapt and a willingness to learn. Fortunately, most of these tools are free and easy to master. It’s important to note that using soft skills to communicate and collaborate is essential if you wish to leverage these tools effectively.

3. Mastery of remote communication

In understanding remote tools we naturally come upon the issue of using them effectively. This is where an ability to adapt is crucial for developers as remote communication can be very different from in-person collaboration. 

Setting up test projects and getting accustomed to conversing clearly and concisely online are bonafide steps to being a top candidate for any remote developer position.

4. Digital etiquette

Of course, alongside a mastery of those remote tools comes a need for a new etiquette. Digital etiquette, and its various forms, is an critical part of leaving a good impression online. 

Taking things into consideration, such as tone and physical placement, is essential in being seen as confident and comfortable in the digital space. 

5. Reliability

Possibly the most important part of being a developer is reliability. Often, when something happens or projects shift their scope, the consistent developer is awarded the work. 

Being a presence that your team can depend on instead of someone to avoid will automatically place you into a rarefied group of dependable team members. Showing up is typically half the battle. 

6. An agile mindset

This is not an indictment of one’s fitness, instead, it is a set of principles that allows remote developers to be flexible while retaining productivity. The agile method contains many core values but can be described best as a system that respects the craft of development without sacrificing the essence of business. Teamwork, communication, and iterative design make up a design methodology that will undoubtedly assist any developer on their journey. 

7. Knowledge of the freelance marketplace

Every developer must become well acquainted with the freelance marketplace and all of its peculiarities. Especially today, as many developers have become independent to make a more flexible life for themselves and their families. However, this only works if you can master the platforms that will bring the best opportunities. 

Every developer should at least consider freelance and should take every opportunity to join matchmaking services for developers. Some businesses specialize in finding talent for other businesses and have tests and vetting processes to ensure a smooth transfer of talent. Deciding which path to take is essential for the modern developer. 


What makes the best remote developers? Often developers seek to expand their expertise. While it’s good to constantly improve your software skills, it’s crucial to avoid overlooking soft skills. 

Ultimately, the best remote developers are ones that bring technical skills in addition to professionalism, adaptability, and reliability. Without these soft skills, it’s hard to succeed in a remote work environment. 

We are all adapting to rapid change on a global scale, and an agile mindset can help you thrive in a world in flux. Understanding the freelance economy can help you as you create your own connections, build your own brand, and carve out your own space in the digital world.

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