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Developer Journey

4 Steps to Become a Remote Developer 

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Become a Remote Developer

Working remotely is an achievable goal in this day and age. Now more than ever, people are leveraging remote work apps to get projects done.  

How can you use this change to your advantage? As the prevalence of virtual collaboration grows, so do opportunities for software developers to work remotely. Working remotely can provide you with a better work-life balance, less stress, and boosted productivity if you are willing to take the necessary steps. 

Here are the 4 steps you need to take to become a remote developer: 

1. Master your development skills 

This may seem obvious, but, many developers make the mistake of being single discipline when in reality it has never been more necessary to be a multi-language developer. Full-stack development, backend scripting, and debugging are just a few things that every developer should be aware of when applying for positions as almost everyone is looking for a myriad of skills when choosing their talent.  

Therefore, it becomes imperative to go back through what you know and redouble the efforts to expand your skills to become an even more attractive candidate. Using StackOverflow and GitHub, almost any developer should be able to test their skills and learn new things that can give them the advantage in the marketplace. Developers that are seen as skilled are typically multi-disciplinary craftsmen that can easily adapt to changing circumstances when the need arises

 2. Research the freelance marketplace 

Of course, all of these skills will go to waste unless you can conquer the freelance markets. There are a number of options for developers who wish to get started on the hunt but the main advice will always be to get comfortable with each major platform. This is simply because remote developers don’t always know where the next project is coming from.  

Mastering the right platform is truly about giving yourself the best possible advantage in finding work that is right for you. Each developer will need their own environment and skillset to prioritize, however, every developer should master the platforms that are right for them for the best chance of finding the right project for them.  

3. Update your online portfolio 

Most importantly, it is imperative that developers who wish to freelance spend as much time as they can on perfecting their online portfolio. Just as a modern artist or designer might, creating a succinct portfolio that will take managers on a journey of your skills is incredibly important in landing the right role.  

Many great traditional developers have work that is spread around different projects or clients. Instead, traditional developers should seek to create a tapestry of their work online that is easily accessible for potential employers who want to scout for their talent.  

Even most traditional employers now want a portfolio that shows a myriad of skills while retaining a professional aesthetic. Creating a great portfolio is an essential step each developer should take to become an attractive remote developer. 

4. Connect with other remote developers 

Another useful idea is to become acquainted with other developers out on the hunt for projects. While it may seem odd, creating connections with other remote developers is one of the best ways to hone your craft and get inside projects.  

Some of the best work you can get is based on recommendations, from relationships that you can build online. Reaching out and allying with your fellow remote developers is a great way to become a great remote developer yourself. Connecting with other developers is easier when using a tech talent platform, so you may want to consider joining one to further your professional development. 


Working remotely was once a rare thing, allotted to only the most experienced developers. The pandemic showed that switching to remote work might not only be a more effective way to work, but also a safer and more practical way to collaborate, which prompted wider adoption.  

Deepening your skillset is always a good idea. Be sure to compliment this skill set with soft skills as well, spending a good deal of time on learning the rules of digital etiquette. In addition, you’ll need a greater understanding of the freelance marketplace, this will help you as you create your online resume or portfolio. Connecting with other remote freelancers and developers can help you adapt more quickly and learn the unspoken rules of virtual offices. 

Countless studies continue to show the benefits of remote work, from better worker satisfaction to lower rates of burnout, and businesses of all sizes are starting to realize the benefit of offering remote work arrangements. As such, you will be able to secure remote work full-time if you continue to strive towards it. 

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