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Explaining ISO 27001 Risk Treatment Plans: A Practical Guide to Enhancing Information Security 

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In the dynamic landscape of information security, organizations must be prepared to face various risks that threaten the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their critical assets. To manage these risks effectively, ISO 27001 provides guidelines for implementing an Information Security Management System (ISMS). Central to this process is the development of a “risk treatment plan” that outlines the necessary actions to address identified risks. This blog aims to shed light on the key elements of a risk treatment plan, its documentation, and its importance in ensuring continuous improvement in information security. 

Understanding the Risk Treatment Plan 

ISO 27001 acknowledges that an organization’s risk landscape is ever-evolving, and the risk treatment plan is designed to address this reality. It represents a proactive approach that outlines actions to be taken after analyzing risks. While the standard does not explicitly prescribe the format or nomenclature, some professionals find it more intuitive to call it a “risk improvement plan.” In this context, the plan focuses on risks that exceed the acceptable risk criteria or appetite and need improvement to reduce their likelihood, impact, or overall level of risk.

Key Components of the Risk Treatment Plan 

By incorporating these key components, organizations can develop a robust and actionable risk treatment plan that strengthens their information security and helps achieve their risk management objectives. 

Documentation of the Risk Treatment Plan 

There are common approaches to documenting the risk treatment plan: 

Post-Implementation Considerations 

Once the risk treatment plan’s activities are completed, several follow-up actions are necessary: 

Update the Statement of Applicability: If new controls were implemented, the Statement of Applicability (clause 6.1.3 d) should be updated to reflect the change in status from “Not implemented” to “Implemented.” 

Adapt Performance Management and Internal Audit Approaches: Changes to controls may require adjustments to the performance management approach (clause 9.1) and the internal audit approach (clause 9.2) to align with the updated controls. 

Reassess and Update the Risk Assessment: After implementing the improvement activities, it is essential to review and update the risk assessment to reflect the changes accurately. Ideally, this reassessment should demonstrate a reduction in the likelihood and/or impact and/or level of risk. 

Continual Improvement and Multiple Risk Treatment Plans 

ISO 27001 often gives the impression of requiring a single risk treatment plan; however, in reality, organizations may need multiple plans over time. As risks change, controls evolve, and the organization’s security maturity improves, new risk treatment plans become necessary. These iterative processes help organizations remain agile and adaptable in the face of evolving security challenges. 


ISO 27001’s risk treatment plan, also known as the “risk improvement plan,” is a vital aspect of an effective Information Security Management System. By focusing on addressing identified risks through specific actions, it empowers organizations to continuously improve their information security posture. Documentation, updates, and reassessment are key aspects of this process, ensuring a proactive and adaptive approach to information security. Embracing this methodology, organizations can better safeguard their critical assets and data against ever-evolving threats and risks.  

– Alessandro Aquino, Product Engineering

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