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Picking the Best Cloud Platform: Google Cloud vs AWS

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Google Cloud vs AWS

Cloud computing has fundamentally changed the digital landscape. We rely on cloud computing every single day as individuals and as enterprises. As more and more businesses become attuned to the information age, the more valuable information technology becomes. 

Cloud computing will continue to evolve as the needs of businesses, developers, and end-users change in kind. For that reason, it’s crucial to compare cloud technologies

Organizations should endeavor to understand which cloud platforms make the most sense in terms of scaling and pricing, and developers and engineers should determine which platform provides the highest-quality services and integrations.

The expansion of cloud platforms

As remote work grows rapidly, organizations must keep up with the growing field of technologies that follow in its wake. Fortunately, there are a host of web and cloud technologies that offer a wide array of assisted services to enterprises seeking to modernize. AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure each offer a unique way of handling cloud spaces and management. 

Each of them also constantly expands services to include tools that benefit software engineers, financial gurus, and medical professionals. The expansion of these services is a reminder that cloud-based productivity and processing is the way of the future as each industry gets a regained sense of optimization. 

Key offerings of cloud technologies

The most important aspects of cloud technologies can be summed up using one word: scalability. Cloud technologies are godsends for businesses who wish to scale and save. They offer expandable storage, user management, AI technologies, and VMs just to name a few. 

In essence, cloud services energize your technological portfolio and expand the number of things your organization is capable of completing tenfold. From traditional organizations to fully distributed teams, cloud services will help your company to reach new heights and achieve new levels of technological progress. 

Advantages of Google Cloud

Google Cloud is an incredible platform for achieving highly technical goals within the smooth Google interface. Voice, AI, and automation technologies are available to organizations at an affordable cost that is easy to scale. Speaking of, Google Cloud Platform’s suite of automation and AI rank amongst some of the most advanced in the world and are capable of completely redefining your product. 

Google Cloud also comes with a unique amount of customization through VM, which can be an advantage for developers who want highly customized and fine-tuned compute instances.

Through continued testing and expansion, Google has been able to create such incredible things as the Google Assistant and offers those same technologies to businesses who want to create a new world of products.  

Disadvantages of Google Cloud

GCP is incredible and capable of achieving many different things. However, it is currently not as popular as its main rival and continues to fight for global scaling. While services can be limited based on location, it is still a powerful platform. 

While Google offers excellent machine learning services, it provides fewer services when compared to AWS overall. AWS offers over 200 services, offering more services than any other cloud platform by far.

Advantages of Amazon Web Services (AWS)

AWS is built for large enterprises. This simplifies scaling and smoothing as the platform can handle the most complex business tasks with a few selected options. Amazon’s technologies create new levels of depth for organizations that choose to trust Amazon. 

AWS offers many more services as well, making it ideal for developers who need to pull from many APIs. Also, it’s currently the only platform that offers its own Quantum Computing service on managed Jupyter notebooks.

Disadvantages of AWS

While AWS is undoubtedly popular, it also suffers from weaker AI tools and a lack of customizability compared to other platforms. 

AWS has a commendable reach, but its lack of flexibility and complex cost structure are a few things to keep in mind when comparing. Even so, AWS is a powerful platform that can elevate organizations of all sizes to the next level. 


Both Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services are incredibly strong cloud platforms. Both provide global scaling of cloud computing services at competitive prices. Amazon was the first to market and therefore has the largest base of users and developers and the highest number of services. However, bigger does not always mean better. 

The Google Cloud Platform can be easier to integrate with Google applications and provides industry-leading artificial intelligence services. AWS can be easier to set up for larger organizations but may lack some of the fine-tuning capabilities of GCP. Both require cloud platform engineers and cloud developers to leverage effectively.

Ultimately, there’s no wrong choice. Whether you are seeking certification as a cloud developer or looking for a scalable cloud solution for your growing business, both platforms offer tremendous value.

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