Case Studies

Strategic Talent Solutions: Hyqoo’s Impact on a Multinational Company’s IT Transformation 

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Strategic Talent Solutions


A leading American manufacturer of software and computer services company, renowned for its extensive global operations, faced significant challenges with its system for managing PC hardware and service requests. The existing system was fragmented and inefficient, resulting in slow turnaround times, reduced productivity, and subpar user experiences. To address these issues, the company initiated a project to consolidate and modernize these systems into a centralized platform to automate processes, enhance user experience, and improve operational efficiency. 

Problem Statement: 

The current system for managing PC hardware and service requests was highly fragmented and inefficient. This fragmentation led to slow turnaround times, reduced productivity, and subpar user experiences. The inefficiency of the system was not only hampering day-to-day operations but also affecting the overall performance and satisfaction of the company’s workforce. 


The Project also involved a complex transition from another large multinational corporation (MNC) to client. This transition required the rapid onboarding of skilled professionals to ensure seamless knowledge transfer (KT) and continuation of tasks without interruption. However, finding talents with the necessary combination of skills, including Customer Relationship Management (CRM), portal development expertise, and technical experience, was a significant challenge. The scarcity of such talents posed a risk to the project’s timely and effective execution.


Hyqoo, a leading talent cloud platform, was engaged to address these challenges and ensure the success of the Project. The key actions taken by Hyqoo included: 

1. Talent Deployment: 

  • Total Hires: 11 professionals 
  • 8 CRM Developers 
  • 2 Power Portal Developers 
  • 1 Integration Specialist 

2. Geographic Distribution: 

  • India: Leveraging the strong technical expertise available in the region. 
  • Brazil: Tapping into the growing pool of skilled developers in LATAM. 

3. Strategic Advantages: 

  • Pre-vetted Talents: Hyqoo provided pre-vetted talents, streamlining the evaluation and onboarding process for the client and ensuring a quick turnaround time (TAT). 
  • Global Coverage: By sourcing talents from APAC and LATAM regions, Hyqoo ensured round-the-clock support, crucial for maintaining project momentum and preventing any operational delays. 


 The collaboration between the client and Hyqoo resulted in several positive outcomes: 

1. Restored Project Pace: 

  • The rapid deployment of qualified professionals by Hyqoo brought the project back on track, maintaining steady progress despite the initial transition challenges. 

2. High-Quality Resources: 

  • The quality of resources provided by Hyqoo was highly regarded by the client, leading to the sponsorship of these talents to represent the company at prestigious tech conferences. 

3. Leadership and Advancement: 

  • Many of the talents deployed by Hyqoo were promoted to lead or architect roles due to their technical expertise and significant contributions, further advancing the project. 


The Project success underscores the critical role that strategic talent solutions play in overcoming complex project challenges. Hyqoo’s ability to provide pre-vetted, skilled professionals from diverse regions ensured seamless transition and continuity, enhanced the overall quality and efficiency of the project, and highlighted the importance of having a reliable talent partner in navigating large-scale IT transformations. The collaboration not only restored the project’s pace but also significantly improved operational efficiency and user experience, setting a benchmark for future initiatives. 

Client Experience:  

The client was highly impressed with the quality of resources provided by Hyqoo. So much so, that our talents were sponsored to represent Client at prestigious tech conferences. Due to their technical expertise and significant contributions, many of these talents were promoted to lead or architect roles, playing a crucial part in advancing the project’s success. 

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