Case Studies

Accelerating Project Delivery for a Fashion Brand with Versatile Talent 

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Versatile talent for fashion brand

In the dynamic landscape of mobile computing software products, companies specializing in digital marketing and mobile app development for eCommerce brands must navigate complex challenges to deliver exceptional results. Recently, a prominent player in this industry faced a critical dilemma: the urgent need to assemble a specialized team for a prestigious Fashion brand client within an extremely tight timeframe.

Problem Statement: 

Amidst the fast-paced evolution of mobile computing software products, companies operating in the niche of digital marketing and mobile app development for eCommerce brands encounter multifaceted obstacles in their pursuit of excellence. The urgency stemmed from the need to meet project deadlines and deliver high-quality solutions to the client’s satisfaction. 


The primary challenge lay in sourcing bilingual talent with technical versatility and depth to handle various project functions efficiently. The team needed to possess a diverse skill set to address the client’s requirements comprehensively, ensuring timely project completion and superior deliverables. 


In response to the urgent need, the company partnered with Hyqoo, a Talent Cloud solution provider renowned for its ability to swiftly assemble high-quality teams. Within just one week, Hyqoo deployed a team of six highly skilled professionals: 

  • 1 Project Manager 
  • 2 Business Analysts 
  • 1 UX Engineer with UI Skills 
  • 1 Technical Lead 
  • 1 QA Automation Engineer 

The rapid deployment of a skilled and versatile team led to the successful execution of the project, exceeding client expectations. The Fashion brand client provided a glowing testimonial, praising the team’s professionalism, expertise, and commitment to delivering outstanding results within the stipulated timeframe. Furthermore, impressed by the seamless project delivery process and exceptional quality of work, the client referred Hyqoo to several other organizations, further enhancing its reputation in the industry. 

Client testimonial :

“We admired the exceptional quality of technical talents provided by Hyqoo. This experience reinforced their confidence in leveraging external talent through Talent Cloud solutions to meet dynamic project demands efficiently and drive our business success.” 

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